What can I say other than I’ve been a busy little Samaritan as per usual with chores for a few folk who have needed the help along the way! I’ve also had a little time to do a bit of recording; so some of the tracks will be appearing on this site shortly. As for video you’ll just have to wait that bit longer… Today I’ve cleared the studio of all furnishings except equipment as I have an expected eighteen or nineteen piece Student Jazz Band coming in tonight and I need all the space I can get. The Betty Boop Jazz clinic has a mixture of seasoned as well as fairly inexperienced musicians, some learning and others just keeping their hand in while helping out with the tuition. It should be a bit of serious fun and I’m honoured to help out once in a blue moon.
Oh I nearly forgot to mention some old and recent news. In February I flew from Luton airport to Aberdeen and did another stand in gig with a swing tribute which was a great night out. Though the boys and I have known each other for some time, T R and I go way back as kids so to anyone that knows us can be sure it was a show in true Rat Pack style and as much a party for us as was for the audience. Oh and congrats to the boys for their recent appearance on Fame Academy while raising funds for Comic Relief and Red Nose Day. Well done guys.
Other than the odd gig that’s it from me for now so be good and catch you later!