Hi There, Well it’s that time. The set is built in the studio and ready to shoot some cromakey video for the site. I’ve recorded forty two audio tracks thus far. Twenty one Rat Pack and twenty one X Factor, all of which are split between the two album titles Rat Packed and X Factory in the music pages. We are going to use some of the afore mentioned audio for the video.
Having shot some test experimental video with various chroma key set designs we’ve been pleasantly surprised and pleased with the results, so I know if all goes well in the next seven days we should be able to complete the initial video shoot before editing and completing the final cut. Some of the video will be used to replace still images on each of the site pages other parts will be used as poster and promo shots. Edited and complete videos will be made available as free downloads.
Hope you enjoy these when they become available.
See future videos www.britishratpack.com/video